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Post on 2023-04-20

Analysis on the changes of surgically induced astigmatism and anterior segment parameters after phacoemulsification

Objective To analyse the changes of surgically induced astigmatism (SIA) and anterior segment parameters after phacoemulsification.

Methods This was a prospective cohort study. A total of 56 eyes of 36 cases who underwent phacoemulsification from Sep. 2020 to Feb. 2021 in Zhengzhou Central Hospital Affiliated to Zhengzhou University was included. Scansys three-dimensional anterior segment analyzer was used to measure the refractive power and axial position of anterior and posterior corneal surfaces, central corneal thickness (CCT), anterior chamber volume (ACV), anterior chamber angle (ACA) and anterior chamber depth (ACD) before operation and at 1 week, 1 month and 3 months after operation. The anterior and posterior surface SIA were calculated and the changes were compared at different time points.

Results There was no significant difference in corneal anterior surface refractive power, corneal posterior surface flat axis refractive power, or corneal posterior surface astigmatism before and after operation (all P>0. 05). But there was significant difference in the refractive power of steep axis of posterior corneal surface at 1 week [(-6. 59±0. 24)D] and 1 month [(-6. 64±0. 23)D]after operation compared with the [(-6. 49±0. 27)D]before operaton (P<0. 05); there was significant difference in mean SIA of corneal anterior surface among 1 week[(1. 07±0. 47)D], 1 month [(-0. 80±0. 35)D] and 3 months [(-0. 74±0. 34)D] after operation (F= 27. 889,P<0. 05). The difference of CCT was statistically significant at each time point after operation compared with the[(539. 8±27. 64)μm] before operation (F= 9. 464, P<0. 05). There were significant differences in ACV, ACA

and ACD between before operation and 1 week, 1 month and 3 months after operation (F =148.64, 367. 50,625. 93; all P<0. 05).

Conclusion The SIA tends to be stable at 1 month after phacoemulsification. The steep axial refractive power of the posterior corneal surface returns to the preoperative level at 3 months after operation and CCT returns at 1 month after operation. ACV, ACA and ACD increase and remain stable after operation.

Reference: Lifang Hou, Xiaoping Sun, Xia Chen et al.. Analysis on the changes of surgically induced astigmatism and anterior segment parameters after phacoemulsification [ J ].Chinese Journal of Ocular Trauma, 2022,44 ( 2 ) : 8.

